Time these days seems to be picking up speed. In the midst of the daily routine, opportunities to rest and reflect upon life beneath the surface are few and far between. There’s always so much to do and so little time in which to accomplish it. When I do find a few minutes to spare, I find myself frozen by the endless possibilities of what I might accomplish in those few precious moments. The choices become so paralyzing that nothing gets done.
Have you ever tried to fully submerge yourself under water while wearing a life vest? While you may be able to get your face wet with one dunk and the back of your head with another, the life vest keeps you safely afloat. In the ocean, this is a good thing. In daily life, it’s another matter…
Just like a life jacket in the water, the “busyness” of daily life offers a level of safety. When we are too busy to think, it keeps us from having to consider anything unpleasant that may be lurking beneath the surface. However, it also holds us back from the good that can come from exploring and reflecting upon the deeper things in life.
Lately I feel as though I’ve been whizzing through life in a speed boat that is barely skimming the surface. If only I could jump overboard and break through to explore what lies beneath. But how am I going to find the time to escape the “busyness” long enough to slip out of my life vest? When am I going to get the chance to ponder life from another angle? Then I realize it is not about finding the time, but making the time.
How about you? Are you ready to slip out of the life vest of “busyness” long enough to ponder what treasures may lie beneath the surface?