My Passion Project

Consider This:

  • Nearly 50% of the world’s population – more than 3 billion people – live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty – less than $1.25 a day.*

  • 805 million people worldwide do not have enough food to eat.

  • More than 750 million people lack adequate access to clean drinking water.**

  • Nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names**

  • More than 5 billion people – nearly 70% of the world’s population –  do not know the love of Christ.+


Poverty is a global epidemic.  One involving much more than a simply a lack of money.  Poverty is not just about hunger or the need for shelter.  It touches all aspects of life, from the material and physical to the social, psychological and spiritual as well.  Ultimately poverty is a thief that robs its victims of many things, including dignity and hope.

It has been a long time dream and desire of mine to use my God-given gifts while pursuing the passions He has instilled in me to make a difference in the fight against global poverty.  Specifically, I want to support those who work with artisans in vulnerable communities and are committed to :

  1. Helping them engage in meaningful work and earn a fair wage for the handicrafts they produce

  2. Improving their lives by investing in efforts to ensure their basic physical needs can be met (e.g. food, water, shelter, medical)

  3. Empowering them to achieve financial independence through training, education, and individual, family, and/or community development initiatives

  4. Sharing with them the love of Christ

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao-tzu

The time has come to turn this dream into a reality.  And the first step of that journey begins here, where I will be sharing the stories of some of these individuals/organizations along with ideas on ways you can support the wonderful work they are doing to make a positive difference in the fight against global poverty.

Here are a few key posts to prepare you for this journey:

1. The Tale of the Rogue Sunflower and a God-Sized Dream

2. The Adventure That Started It All

For additional stories and insights, please visit the “My Passion Project” section of my blog.

And consider supporting mission-driven fair trade.  Here’s my favorite organization: