When it comes to traveling the road of life, each of us has a preferred mode of transportation. Wondering which mode you prefer? Here is a list of questions to help you determine whether you are a convertible or a sedan driver.
1. Do you tend to:
(A) speak or act before thinking, or (B) think before speaking or acting?
2. By the end of a big party, do you tend to find yourself more:
(A) energized, or (B) drained?
3. Do you find phone calls to be:
(A) a welcomed distraction, or (B) a distracting interruption?
4. Would you prefer to share a special occasion with:
(A) a big group of people, or (B) a few close friends?
5. After spending much time in reflective thought, do you tend to find yourself to be:
(A) drained, or (B) energized?
6. Do you tend to find:
(A) listening more difficult than talking, or (B) talking more difficult than listening?
7. Do you tend to prefer to pursue:
(A) social activities with many others, or (B) solitary activities with a few or no others?
8. At an event, do you tend to interact:
(A) with many people, even those you don’t know, or (B) with a few people, mainly those known to you?
9. After a conversation takes place, do you more often regret:
(A) saying something you shouldn’t have said, or (B) not saying something you could have said
10. Would you mostly describe yourself as being:
(A) easily approachable, or (B) reserved
TIE BREAKER QUESTION: Which word best describes you: (A) talkative, or (B) reflective
If the majority of your responses are A’s, your preferred mode of transportation is a convertible. If your responses were mainly B’s, your preferred mode of transportation is a sedan. Knowing this can help you discover ways to ensure there’s always enough gas in your tank for the trip.
Life is a journey. Do you know what kind of traveler you are? Click HERE to discover your Traveler Personality!
Thank you for this very interesting and insightful exercise.