Declare and Sing a New Song

The Declare Conference

Following the call to write can be a lonely endeavor.  It is a discipline involving countless hours of solitude for quiet contemplation and a great deal of mental stamina to be able to carry an idea from concept to finished piece.  It also requires a dedication few outside the calling can completely understand.

The more serious I became about my writing ambitions, the greater my longing became to connect with others who have also been called to pursue the craft.  Others who could relate to the idea that writing is not just a desire, but a need.

That longing led to my discovery of The Declare Conference, an event designed to equip women to be Jesus online.  Taking a leap of faith, I purchased a ticket to this year’s event and traveled 1400 miles to gather with a group of women I’d never met, in search of a community that could support me in my efforts to grow as a writer and as a child of God.

Now before I get into the details of this awesome event, I need to let you in on a little secret.  Something that led me to second guess my decision to attend.  Two somethings to be exact: fear and doubt.

Things started off well enough.  The energy in the room was palpable, the excitement contagious.  Like air blown into a balloon, the powerful words spoken during the opening session filled and uplifted me.  However, as the evening wore on, the pinpricks of doubt and fear began needling at me as I considered those around me.  Those with more writing experience.  More skill.  More accomplishments.

By the time I returned to my hotel room that evening, I felt deflated, insecure and overwhelmed.  Unable to silence the tune of fear and doubt, I began to wonder whether the investment I was making in my writing efforts was simply a waste of time.  Did the story I have to tell even matter?  Frustrated, travel fatigued and far and from home, I sat alone in my room craving community.  Was I even worthy enough to be welcomed into this one?

After a fitful night’s sleep, I awoke the next morning and opened my devotional book to that day’s entry.  An entry that included the following two verses:

“Sing to the Lord a new song.”  Psalm 96:1a

“Declare His glory among the nations.”  Psalm 96:3

As I meditated on those verses, that still, small voice whispered in my ear, telling me I had been singing the wrong song and that it was time for me to change my tune.

In that moment, I stood convicted.  I had been making it all about me.  But it’s not.  It’s all about Him.  In that moment I understood it was time to change my perspective, one that included more of Him and less of me.  It was time to sing a new song. So I set off for that day’s conference sessions with a renewed sense of peace and a new song in my heart.  And that made all the difference.

For the remainder of the conference my heart rejoiced as we stood in God’s presence, listening to gifted speakers, participating in inspiring sessions and experiencing spirit-filled worship.  My heart sang as I interacted with amazing and godly women with amazing stories who welcomed me with open arms.  And, with a new song in my heart, I came to realize it didn’t matter if some of them had more skill, more experience or more accomplishments.  It didn’t matter because in Christ, we are all worthy to stand in God’s presence.  And we each have our own unique story to tell.  And, since my story is one He can speak only through me, I need to step out on faith and share it.

The Declare Conference was an awesome and unforgettable experience.  And, best of all, by attending and engaging with those around me, I found the community I had been longing for.

Here are a few random insights I collected during the Declare Conference.



“We can’t fulfill our calling unless we are first filled with the Lord.”

– Lara Williams

“Our dreams are cultivated in the soil of faith.”

– Michele-Lyn Alt

“When you open the door to distraction you let productivity out.”

– Ann Watson

“Embrace your story.  You’re the only one qualified to tell it.”

– Jen Weaver

“Don’t let your fears keep you from doing what God wants you to do.”

– Kat Lee



  1. Whatever God has called you to do, do it with all your heart and keep your eyes focused on Him.
  2. We were created for community.  Seek, find and engage in yours.
  3. Someone needs to hear your story.  Don’t be afraid to tell it.


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