It’s a popular scene in many comedy movies, sitcoms and comic strips. The scene in which the unsuspecting victim opens the closet door and suddenly finds himself buried under a mountain of junk.
It is so easy to get caught up in the day to day that we can easily lose sight of our surroundings. One day bleeds into the next. The days turn into weeks, the weeks into months and before you realize it another year has gone by. As time whizzes by, many things get thrown or shoved into the proverbial closet. Routines. Schedules. Household chores. Emotions. You name it. And then there comes a time when you realize you are that unsuspecting victim who has just opened the closet door.
Realizing you are buried beneath a big pile of “junk” can be a pretty overwhelming experience. The scariest part is not knowing how or where to begin digging out. You start to wonder if it would just be easier to stay hidden beneath the pile.
In this situation there two choices: become paralyzed beneath the pile and continue to live in a state of complacency, or take action and figure out how to start digging out. While remaining in the numb state of complacency may seem like the easier and more comfortable choice, if we do not choose to take action, we may end up getting crushed under the continued pressure of all the junk.
Choosing to take action, to me, involves first accepting the fact that I can’t fix everything at once, nor, in this broken world, will I ever reach a point where everything will be fixed. It’s also about learning how to focus less on the mess around me and more on the One who can help me see past the mess and give me the strength to persevere.
Once I accept that, I can take action by identifying what matters most and then start digging out, one piece at a time, one step at a time. And taking the time to enjoy myself and those around me in the process. If I stay the course, while I might not be able to get rid of the entire pile that has fallen out of the closet, at least I will eventually be able to get that closet door closed again.
And yes, it is worth the effort.Find me on Facebook and “Like” me to stay connected!
Awesome post!
Speaks to me – very timely post!