Hitting the Pause Button

Rock Hall Sunset

Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, watching television has never been more convenient.  With the advent of the digital video recorder and on-demand offerings, gone are the days of having to plan our schedules around our favorite shows.  With the touch of a button or two, we can watch them whenever it’s convenient to do so.

Better yet, these technological wonders grant us the capability to rewind and watch scenes we may wish to view again and to fast forward through others we’d prefer not to view.  Best of all, thanks to the pause button, we don’t have to wait until a commercial break to take a time out.

How nice would it be if we could perform these functions in real life?  Imagine being able to fast forward through an undesirable task or getting to rewind time to relive a memorable moment.  Or simply being able to hit the pause button to stop the action long enough to take a time out.

While we might not have the luxury of fast forwarding and rewinding time or pushing the pause button to stop it, we do have the option to take a pause.  The option to take a step back from the daily routine to catch a breath.  The option to take the time to do something we really want or need to do in order to recharge.  The challenge is in giving ourselves permission to do so.

I challenge you to take that needed step back from the chaos of daily life.  Make the time to take a break from your obligations and take a breath.  Take the time to do something you really want or need to do.

Life may not stop when you take a pause, but it will be waiting for you when you return.  And that small pause might help you appreciate it a bit more.

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