The funny thing about a regular routine is that the tasks related to it become so second nature we tend to carry them out without even realizing it. One such task of mine occurs each night before I crawl into bed when I flip the HVAC fan switch from “auto” to “on.” The reason? To ensure the fan runs consistently throughout the night to drown out the silence, allowing me to sleep more easily. Most nights I don’t even think about making the effort to flip the switch until I discover I’ve forgotten to do so when the fan cuts off and I am jarred awake by deafening silence.
The flipping of the switch has been part of my nightly routine for so long I can’t even recall when it began or exactly how it originated. The ‘whens’ and ‘hows’ aren’t that important, for the simple fact of the matter is that it has become such a necessary occurrence, I have a hard time sleeping if I don’t remember to do it. Periodic power outages and trips away from home without this convenience have proven this to be true.
It’s a bit ironic that for one who craves silence and solitude in the midst of a hectic, distracting and noise-filled day I am so quick to fill the silence at night with noise, wouldn’t you think?
Seeking silence is a discipline and a choice. It can be a challenging exercise, but one that offers many benefits. When I choose to embrace the silence, I am able to unravel and process my thoughts, confront my fears and concerns, hear that still, small voice, and ultimately find joy and peace in the moment and in the world around me.
In a world filled with noise and activity, quiet moments are few and far between. So why are we so quick to interrupt the silence? Is it because we don’t know how to live without the noise or is it because we are afraid of what we might hear in the silence? Which one is it for you? Perhaps it’s a bit of both.
Learn to embrace the silence.
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