The hot, hazy days of summertime bring to mind trips to the swimming pool and what a good metaphor it is for life beneath the surface.
Some who come to the pool prefer to stay in the shallow end. Perhaps they do not want to miss out on what is happening above the surface. Or, perhaps they are afraid to venture out into deeper waters, for fear of drowning or losing control. Perhaps some stay in shallow waters because they just don’t want to get their hair wet. Going under is just too messy or too uncomfortable.
Those in the deep end may not understand why some do not want to venture into deeper waters. Do they know what they are missing out on?
Others in the deep end may not care about what the shallow swimmers are thinking. These individuals came to the deep end to escape. Some were drawn to the deep end, some were chased.
But is the shallow end really as safe as it claims to be? And are the deeper waters really as daunting as some make them out to be?
Where do you prefer to swim — above the surface, or in the depths?
Personally, some days I do not have the energy nor the interest to explore the deep end. Other days I prefer to spend all my time there.
Ultimately, in life’s journey, I think it is important to spend time in both places. While time in the deep end of life allows me to discover hidden treasures, the shallow end gives me the opportunity to come up for air and take notice of the world around me.
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I just got finished reading the book, True Depth written by our former pastor, Lenny Luchetti. If you get a chance, I highly recommend reading it. I have been hanging in the shallow waters for way too long in my life. However, in the last few years, I seem to be in the deep end so much of the time. I really appreciate your insight about being in both ends. Sometimes, we all need to catch our breath! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing your insights as well as for the book recommendation, Brad!