As the sun set over our nation’s capital on a late-summer Friday evening, a few miles down the road we boarded a plane to embark upon our long-awaited dream vacation to destinations an ocean away. The trip, a last-hurrah adventure of sorts, was one on which we’d get to enjoy some quality one-on-one time together before taking the leap to become not just husband and wife but parents as well. The trip? A two-week whirlwind tour through Europe with an itinerary that included stops in France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, The Czech Republic, and Germany. One jam-packed with activities and experiences guaranteed to create wonderful memories to last a lifetime.
The trip turned out to be an amazing adventure indeed. One filled with beautiful sites, breathtaking scenery, and fascinating people. Oh, and the cuisine! Our tastebuds were treated to a variety of cultural delicacies throughout the duration of our journey. We sampled soft, creamy cheese atop crusty baguettes and savored the taste of sweet, decadent pastries while in France. In Italy we dined on savory pasta dishes and drank bold and flavorful coffee. As the trip progressed, the meals became heavier and heartier. Rich sauces upon schnitzel in Salzburg. Thick, bubbly fondue in the Swiss Alps.
By the time we reached the Czech Republic, our bodies had reached their limit with the heavy and the hearty fare we’d been ingesting and began to cry out loudly for lighter nourishment. So on our second day in Prague we set out on a quest, scouring the streets of Old Town, in search of what our bodies so desperately craved. We eventually stumbled upon an Italian restaurant where my husband and I each happily feasted on a garden salad and a simple slice of pizza. And, to this day many years later, we both still wholeheartedly agree it was the best salad we’ve ever eaten.
Just as our bodies have cravings that long to be filled, so do our souls. Soul cravings that can only be filled through meaningful relationships. And connection. With God. With friends. With community. But where does the quest for connection begin?
The pages of Craving Connection: 30 Challenges for Real-Life Engagement from the (in)courage community offers a good starting point.
Craving Connection is a journey with (in)courage writers sharing real-life stories, practical Scripture application, and connection challenges that will encourage you to:
- Embrace the desire God has given each of us for connection
- Invest in meaningful relationships, right where God has you
- Become the friend you wish you had
Divided into three sections, “Connecting with God More Deeply,” “Connecting with Friends More Purposefully,” and “Connecting with Community More Intentionally,” the book consists of short stories written by different members of the (incourage) community from all walks of life. Each story includes a key Scripture passage, a beautiful devotional to encourage and inspire, a list of connection questions for personal reflection, and a challenge to help move you from reflection to action.
While all the stories in the book are soul-satisfying, in my current season of life, Crystal Stine’s entry, “Starting a New Thing,” especially resonated with me.
The entry begins with the following statement to consider: “God’s desire for relationship with us requires us to believe in a promise that brings change.”
“Look, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19
Let’s face it, change can be a scary thing. And fear of change can trap us in our comfort zones and hold us back from trying new things.
Through the sharing of personal anecdotes, Crystal offers helpful insights for confronting the fear that accompanies change, reminders of God’s promises that we don’t have to face change alone, and reassurances regarding the growth that can occur as well as the joy that can be experienced as we go through seasons of change.
The various stories throughout book offer a smorgasbord of encouragement and inspiration sure to appease to a wide range of appetites. And just as the salad I feasted on that day in Prague helped satisfy my physical craving for food, my journey through the pages of Craving Connection has offered a means to help to satisfy my soul craving for relationship and connection.
Are you craving connection? If so, I encourage you to consider embarking upon this journey as well by grabbing a copy of this book and feasting on all it has to offer.