A Prayer For Those Who Have Hit The Brick Wall


Brick Wall

For those who have been traveling at full speed and have suddenly hit the brick wall.

For those who are dazed and confused as things seem to have come to a crashing halt.

For those who are unable to muster the energy to get back up and keep going.

For those who are dismayed and wondering if they’ve even been traveling in the right direction.

This prayer is for you.

May you see the wall not as an obstacle, but an opportunity.

May you not look upon this as a breaking point, but rather as a rest stop along the way.

May you come to realize you might just be heading in the right direction after all.

May you find the time and energy to take a closer look at the wall in front of you

and discover it may not a matter of getting over, under or around it, but finding a way through it.

Perhaps you just need to find the loose mortar and dislodge a few bricks to clear the way.

And, if the way is narrow, may God grant you the discernment to determine which things to unpack in order to lighten your load enough to fit through the hole.

Above all, may you find comfort in the fact that you do not need to force your way through.  Simply grab onto the Hand in front of you and let Him lead the way.

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