A Twist, a Turn, and an Opportunity

Kim Schlauch

This journey we call life comes with its fair share of challenges.  But sometimes life’s greatest challenges can lead to its greatest opportunities.  It’s all matter of perspective.  For me, a recent twist in the road in the form of a life-threatening illness served as my wake up call to finally take the turn necessary to follow a decades-long dream to pursue a career in writing.

To better equip myself to follow this path, I am taking advantage of the opportunity to travel to Dallas, Texas in a few short weeks to attend the Declare Conference.  In preparation for the adventure, attendees have been asked to provide a bit of information about themselves.  Here goes…

About Me

Among my many roles in life, I am blessed to be a wife, mother, educator, encourager and friend.  A native Marylander, I enjoy reading, writing, creating and traveling.

After spending the better part of ten years climbing the corporate ladder after college, I exchanged my briefcase and business trips around the country for a diaper bag and excursions to storytime at the local library when I became a stay-at-home mom upon the arrival of our firstborn.  Shortly thereafter we welcomed a second child into the family and, during the decade that followed, I immersed myself into everything raising two little ones entailed, became involved in volunteer roles at church and in the community, and even managed to launch two part-time home-based businesses.

When our youngest entered school full time, I decided to dip my toes back into the waters of the working world as a substitute teacher and then jumped in with both feet a year later, serving in various positions at my children’s school.  Currently I serve as a content manager and blogging coach for a marketing agency specializing in digital marketing for Christian schools, universities and ministries.

My Favorite Thing to Write and Why…

My personal letters to God.  When my children were still quite young I began the practice of prayer journaling.  Through trial and error, I discovered a powerful way to transform my private musings into a two-way conversation by addressing each entry specifically to God.  Not only does this exercise help me better organize and process my thoughts, it gives me the opportunity to offer God praise, ask Him questions and simply pour my heart out to Him. I’m even able to hear His still, small voice when I still the pen long enough to listen.

My Favorite Thing to Read and Why…

While I like reading historical fiction as well as narrative nonfiction, I most enjoy fantasy novels, especially those of the Young Adult Christian variety.  These are typically transformational stories of courage and faith involving an unlikely hero in an epic battle where good triumphs over evil and includes the workings of realms beyond the physical.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”  Ephesians 6:12

The best way for me to express why fantasy appeals to me is to share the words of Wayne Thomas Batson, bestselling fantasy author and fellow Marylander: “At a deep level, we all long to do something that matters, and we all dream of another world.”

One thing I love about my blog and one thing I’d like to improve…

One thing I love about my blog is the calming and welcoming way in which the reader is invited to take a respite from the hustle and bustle of everyday life to explore and reflect upon the beauty that lies beneath the surface.

I’d like to improve the aesthetics and functionality of the site in order to attract and build a community of fellow travelers who would like to discover and experience the deep life in the midst of the day to day.

If I could choose do anything for a day, it would be…

To spend the day quietly writing at an Italian villa while drinking in the Tuscan landscape.

Lightening Round: Would I rather…

  • Read on Kindle or paperback?
    Fiction on Kindle, nonfiction in paperback 
  • Drink coffee or tea?
    Depends on my mood, but mostly coffee (especially if it’s a cafe mocha) 
  • Go to a musical or a movie?
    I’d rather read a book 🙂 
  • Vacation at the beach or the mountains?
  • Have an exciting night out or a relaxing night in?
    Relaxing night in 
  • Watch sports, play sports, or no sports?
    These days I prefer to watch over playing 

Find me on Facebook and “Like” me to stay connected!

9 thoughts on “A Twist, a Turn, and an Opportunity”

  1. It’s amazing the things God uses to put us on the path he wants us to be on. I love it when you say, “life’s greatest challenges can lead to its greatest opportunities.” My husband and I are in the same boat, and it’s scary, yet exciting.

    I hope we get a chance to meet at Declare!

    1. Thanks Lynnae! I am encouraged that my words connected with you. Yours connected with me as well — I’ll pop over to your site to explain how 🙂 And yes, I’d love the chance to meet in person at Declare!

  2. Hi, Kim. I’ve just looked around your blog and read a bit of your story. I am so glad you took that opportunity to go away with your husband before your diagnosis. What an unexpected opportunity, indeed! I really resonate with your perspective and I am excited to meet you at Declare and talk more! BTW, I’m in Maryland, too! 🙂

    1. Thanks for stopping by Wendy! I just paid a visit to your site and really connected with your story as well. So excited to meet you in person at Declare!

  3. Hi Kim. Hope to meet you at Declare. I’ve learned from experience too that our greatest challenges become our greatest opportunities. I finally got my blog up with all the busyness and well the linky was closed this morning.

    1. Thanks Debbie! I just “stopped” by and read your post — I hope to meet you at Declare as well. By the way, thanks for including the link to your recap of the 2015 Conference. Since this will be my first time attending, it offered me some great insights!

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