I recently read a story in which the heroine, being chased by the enemy, finds herself skidding across an ice-covered lake. Glancing behind her, she suddenly halts and stares in wonder as the ice beneath her enemy’s feet gives way and said enemy plunges into the freezing water beneath the surface. Unfortunately, the heroine’s relief at escaping the enemy is short-lived, for as she attempts to make her way across the slippery surface to reach solid ground, cracks begin to form in the ice around her feet, trapping her in place.
Just in the nick of time, her hero arrives to save the day. With rope in hand, he carefully makes his way onto the ice, lays down and slowly creeps over the ice in the direction of the heroine. Once he is in her vicinity, he gently tosses the end of the rope to the heroine and drags her to safety.
This story reminded me of the dangers of venturing out upon frozen water and clued me into the fact that if I ever happen to find myself trapped on an icy lake like our fair heroine, laying down and stretching out to distribute my weight could decrease the chances of my breaking through the surface and plunging into the freezing water below.
While falling through the surface of an icy lake might prove to be a harrowing and even deadly experience, breaking through the surface of everyday living can be quite a remarkable adventure. For beneath this surface, we can explore and discover how to live a more intentional and meaningful life.
Unfortunately, breaking through the surface of everyday life isn’t as easy as it might seem. Daily demands and responsibilities stretch us out and spread us thin, rendering us unable to break through into the deep. Instead, we find ourselves skidding, slipping and sliding across the surface.
Only when we take the time and energy to focus our efforts will we have the weight and the wherewithal to be able to break through and discover the wonders that lie below.
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