One of the most eerie yet fascinating experiences I have encountered while driving is witnessing an approaching storm, especially when it appears from behind me. Looking through the windshield I see nothing but clear, sunny skies. However, a peek in the rearview mirror reveals the black storm clouds heading my way. There are other times when the black clouds materialize ahead of me, making it look as though I am about to drive straight into the storm.
Regardless of the direction from which it comes, the sense of foreboding an approaching storm elicits can be quite unnerving and I begin to question my path forward. Is the storm truly heading in my direction, or does it only seem to be? If it is, can I drive in a different direction to avoid it? Or should I stop and seek shelter?
While there are times when I am able to avoid the black clouds altogether, there are others when the only choice available is to stay the course and ride out the storm.
The same holds true when the black clouds of life begin to darken my path.
Sometimes the storms we face in life are self-imposed. Perhaps they are the result of unrealistic expectations or overcommitment. Others may stem from misunderstandings or conflicts with others. In these cases we can avoid the black clouds if we change our course by adjusting our expectations or making the effort to reach out and resolve our differences.
Unfortunately, there are other times we when are unable to avoid the storm and must face the black clouds head on, such as the news of an unexpected death or medical diagnosis. The chronic illness or financial hardship. The wayward child or broken relationship.
Fortunately, no matter how dark these clouds might be, we do not have to weather these storms alone. There is One who can offer shelter in the storm and through it.
When you find yourself amidst the black clouds of life, seek shelter in the loving arms of God. He doesn’t promise to make the storm clouds disappear, but He does promise to see you through them.
And sometimes weathering the darkest clouds can lead to the brightest silver linings. You just have to look closely to discover them.
“For You have been a defense for the helpless, a defense for the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shade from the heat; For the breath of the ruthless is like a rain storm against a wall.” Isaiah 25:4
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