Practical Travel Tips #1: Always Remember to Pack This One Thing

Life is a journey and I’ve done my fair share of traveling, not only Into The Deep, but in the physical world as well.

I’ve traveled extensively for both business and pleasure.

Both domestically and internationally.

Throughout the United States to many points north and south, east and west.

To Europe, the Caribbean, and Central America.

I’ve traveled by land, sea, and air.

By planes, trains, boats and automobiles.

I’ve learned numerous lessons along the way.

Discovered many helpful travel tips and tricks.

Engaged in experiences I’d do again in a heartbeat.

And things I’d rather not.

I’ve gained many insights as well.

About the places I’ve visited.

About the things I’ve seen and done.

About the people I’ve met along the way

So, in addition to serving as your guide Into the Deep, in this space I’d like to periodically share some practical travel tips I’ve picked up along the way with the hope that wherever you may go and whatever you may do, perhaps I can offer something to make it a more pleasant experience.

To kick things off, I’d like to share with you one of the most important things you should always remember to pack regardless of where you’re headed, and that is your smile.  Now I know what you’re thinking. Is this really a practical travel tip?  In my experience it certainly is, and here’s why.

If there’s one thing you can always expect when traveling, it’s to always expect the unexpected.  Delayed and cancelled flights.  Lost luggage.  Traffic delays.  Inclement weather.  Issues with reservations and accommodations.  We can’t always control our circumstances, but we can control how we react to them.  And a smile can help keep a bad situation from taking a turn for the worse.

Making the effort to smile can be good for your heart, your soul, and your attitude.  In addition, others tend to be much more willing to offer assistance when they receive a smile instead of a snarl.

So before you head out the door on your next travel adventure, check to make sure you’ve remembered your smile.


Life is a journey.  Do you know what kind of traveler you are?  Click HERE to discover your Traveler Personality!

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